Boy Meets World is a sitcom that premiered on ABC in 1993 and is centered around Cory Matthews (Ben Savage) as he leaves adolescence behind for adulthood. Surrounded by his older brother Eric (Will Friedle), younger sister Morgan (Lily Nicksay), parents Amy (Betsy Randle) and Alan (William Russ), best friend Shawn Hunter (Rider Strong) and love interest Topanga Lawrence (Danielle Fishel), Cory learns to deal with various social and personal issues. He also looks to his teacher and neighbor, George Feeny (William Daniels), for advice.
The sitcom ran for seven seasons before ending in 2000, but Savage and Fishel reprised their roles in the spinoff Girl Meets World, which premiered in 2014. The Disney Channel series focused on Cory and Topanga’s daughter, Riley Matthews, and ended in 2017. Fishel, Friedle and Strong later teamed up for a podcast in 2022 titled “Pod Meets World,” rewatching episodes of Boy Meets World and providing commentary with guests such as Daniels, Russ, Randle and more.